
The cost of teaching lecturers is a routine activity conducted by all universities, especially the maintainers of departments in each faculty. This is done because the number of courses planned students are in every semester is always different and faced with a relatively fixed number of lecturers. Determining the teaching burden of lecturers must be done so that the teaching burden of lecturers does not exceed the maximum possible limit and the teaching process is done in accordance with the interest of lecturer study. Study Program of informatics Education High School and Educational Sciences Earth Persada Lhokseumawe still do the process of determining the teaching burden of the lecturer with the manual so that it takes a little time because it must adjust the infirmity Courses with a lecturer study interest. One of the methods of optimization that is able to solve the problem is genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm process in this research includes representation with integer numbers, crossover methods with one cut point crossover, mutation methods with Reciprocalexchange mutation and random mutation, as well as selection methods with elitism Selection. Test results that have been tested show optimal parameters i.e. population size 60, combination of CR and Mr Value respectively 0.4, Sertta generation of 3576 with the largest fitness value produced is 0.082846.

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