
Luminescence dating is now widely used in archaeological and geological studies. In this study, soil and brick fragments from historical structures in different regions of the Nusaybin, the south east of Turkey, were dated. The first construction dates of some of the structures were unknown. The preheating temperature and duration for each sample were determined separately for optically stimulated luminescence dating. Equivalent doses were measured by following the protocols of single aliquot regeneration (SAR) and multiple aliquots additive dose (MAAD). Annual doses were measured by means of a low level alpha counter and XRF system. The plateau test for thermoluminescence indicated that the peak area of dating was between 290 ° C and 410 ° C......... Keywords: Luminescence Dating, OSL, TL, Dayruzzaferan Monastery, Mor Yakup Church, Nusaybin. DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/7-07-03

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