
Human activities are changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere, and thus influence the air quality. In that respect, one of the most important elements of the atmosphere are aerosols. They play a fundamental role in physical and chemical processes affecting both air quality and regional and global climate. Aerosols affect the Earth’s radiative balance both in the cloud-free and the cloudy atmosphere. These so-called direct and indirect aerosol effects which depend on the chemical and physical aerosol properties still represent an uncertain factor in estimates about climate change. The direct effect of aerosols is related with scattering and absorption of solar radiation, and as a consequence, reduction of the amount of radiation reaching the surface (e.g. IPCC 2001). In case of indirect effects, we distinguish the first and the second one. Aerosols act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), modifying the optical and radiative properties of clouds, e.g. albedo. This is known as the first indirect effect (Twomey, 1977). The second indirect effect is related to the shift in the cloud droplet spectrum resulting from the nucleation. It is seen by a decrease in precipitation and an increase in cloud lifetime (e.g. Charlson et al., 1992). The best parameters that quantify the direct aerosol effect are the aerosol extinction, linked also to atmospheric visibility, and the aerosol optical thickness. The aerosol extinction reveals how aerosols attenuate the solar radiation in relation to a given distance (e.g. per km); the aerosol optical thickness is the extinction integrated over a whole column of atmosphere (usually in the vertical from the surface to the top of the atmosphere). Aerosol extinction can be derived from in-situ measurements (aerosol counters, impactors) or from path-integrated measurements (transmissometer); aerosol optical thickness is usually obtained from sun photometer measurements. Nowadays, in the era of AERONET, information about the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) is available online for nearly 400 sites in the world; only in Europe the number of AERONET station is more than 80. Hence, more and more researchers try to find a relationship between the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and PM10 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 um) in order to use it as an indicator of air quality. It should be emphasized that the aerosol optical thickness values represent vertical column-integrated properties whereas the PM10 data are the “surface” data. This kind of comparison is justified in the well-mixed boundary layer. Therefore not always both parameters are well correlated. Nevertheless, such a relationship between (AOT) and PM10 would be useful in air quality monitoring. The variation of the extinction coefficient with wavelength can be presented as a power law function with a constant (related to the power factor) known as the Angstrom coefficient.

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