
During the last decades, several experiments revealed interesting details about the ballooning and burst of nuclear cladding tubes in accident conditions involving high temperature and high pressure. A new set of experiments was conducted at MTA EK to further improve our understanding of this phenomenon. The research goal was to determine the pressure of the burst at different temperatures. These data represent a durability and usability limit of fuel cladding tubes under loss of coolant accident conditions. A large tube furnace was fitted with two optical telescopes on opposite sides to observe the ballooning and burst of zirconium alloy fuel cladding samples. These telescopes gave an opportunity to capture the ballooning and also to use a high-speed camera to record details of the crack formation and crack propagation during the burst. A precise pressurization system was constructed to feed high-pressure argon into the samples at a given pressurization rate. The previous data were reproduced accurately in this new apparatus with further insight into the phenomena. The change in tube diameter was observed using regular HD cameras. Based on the captured images, an algorithmic method was developed to separate the contours of the cladding tubes from the background and the diameter increase was measured. It was found to be mostly uniform at lower pressures. The formation of a bulge started at 85% of actual burst pressure. Crack formation at high temperature was recorded using a high-speed camera at speeds up to 100.000 fps. The details of the planning, facility construction, and gauge calibration are detailed in this article.

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