
We study the effect of manganese impurities on optical and magnetic properties of PbS quantum dots (QDs) of different sizes. We find that at low Mn concentrations, the manganese atoms slightly change the absorption spectra of pure PbS nanocrystals. A soon as the number of Mn atoms increases a QD energy gap expands. In a PbS QD there is a distinct exciton peak. With the presence of Mn impurities this peak is smeared over and almost disappears for larger Mn concentrations. This effect indicates the strong sp–d hybridization. We also study how an Mn location inside a QD can affect the absorption spectra. We find that if the Mn atoms are spread over the surface, there is no significant influence on the absorption. If the Mn atoms are clustered, there is no difference where such a cluster is located, whether in the middle of a QD or on a QD surface. We also study the magnetic properties of Pbn–xMnxSn nanocrystals. We find that such a system is always in an antiferromagnetic order. This indicates that at short ...

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