
A two-chamber system has been employed to investigate the vectorial secretion of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and its binding proteins (IGF-BPs) by pig Sertoli cells. The kinetics of transport of [3H]insulin as well as the transepithelial electrical resistance of filters coated with reconstituted basement membrane, in the absence of presence of Sertoli cells, indicated the formation of a functional barrier by Sertoli cells. The rates of diffusion of [125I]IGF-I or [125I]human CG were slower from the apical (AC) to the basal (BC) compartment than in the opposite direction. However, the IGF-I content and concentration in the BC was twice that seen in the AC. FSH increased the secretion of IGF-I in the BC, and therefore increased the BC/AC ratio. In contrast, most of the IGF-BPs, with apparent molecular sizes of 39-43, 34, 29 and 24 kDa, were secreted in the AC. FSH increased the secretion of IGF-BP 39-43 kDa (BP3). This is the first report of opposite vectorial secretion of IGF-I and its binding protein by any cell type.

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