
This research aims to know the strength and direction of the relationship between opportunistic behavior and the narcissistic personality disorder of educational administrators from principals and assistants to basic and preparatory schools in Soran, and to know the differences in both opportunistic behavior and narcissistic personality disorder between managers and assistants, as well as between schools located in the Soran District Center and its outskirts, Severally .In order to achieve these five goals of the research, the researcher used a sample of (306) managers and assistants of both sexes, who were chosen using the stratified random sample method, and by the method of proportional selection. Where (170) of them were school administrators, and they constituted (55.5%) of the sample population, by (48) principals in the Soran District Center, and (122) principals at the outskirts of the Soran District Center, while the researcher used the results of (136) Assistants, and they represent (44.5%) of the sample size, among whom (65) were assistants at the Soran District Center, (71) were assistants at the outskirts of the Soran District Center.The researcher has resorted to conduct her study to the descriptive approach and the relational method as a method for this study, because it provides information that helps researchers identify the nature and strength of relationships between multiple variables, including the two research variables under study.For this purpose, the researcher built a measure for opportunistic behavior, the number of its paragraphs reached in the initial form of (34) paragraphs, the alternatives to the answer were formulated using the Likert five-way method, and the researcher also adopted to measure the narcissistic personality disorder (NPI) scale of Raskin, R. & Hall, CS) (1981), translated by (Abdul Raqeeb Ahmed Al-Behairi) (2012). This scale consists of (54) paragraphs designed with the method of compulsory selection, where in front of each paragraph there are two options (A) and (B), and after extracting the psychometric properties of both measures The number of items of the opportunistic behavior scale, in its final form, reached (33) items, while the narcissistic personality disorder scale was the final form. It has reached (48) test items.After confirming the clarity of the paragraphs and the instructions of the two measures by experimenting with a representative sample of the research community, which amounted to (30) managers and assistants, the two measurement tools were applied to the members of the sample for the period between (6 - 29/11/2019), and after collecting and sorting the valid responses, they were obtained The necessary data, then these data were statistically analyzed in order to identify the research objectives. The results showed the following:That members of the research community have opportunistic behavior. And to the presence of statistically significant differences between educational administrators and assistants in opportunistic behavior. And for the benefit of educational assistants. The results also showed that those in charge of educational administration in the basic and preparatory stages, whether from the principals or their assistants, suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. The results also indicated the presence of statistically significant differences between the principals and educational assistants in narcissistic personality disorder. And for the benefit of educational administrators. Finally, the researcher concluded, through her findings, that there is a strong direct correlation between opportunistic behavior and narcissistic personality disorder in the two educational administrators.The more individual narcissism becomes more disturbed, the greater the motivation for pursuing opportunistic behavior. Then the researcher reached the conclusions drawn from the results of the research. Finally, recommendations and suggestions were formulated.

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