
Despite the inadequate evidence of effi cacy and safety of opioid use for the treatment of migraine, it has been reported that patients with moderate to severe migraine headaches are prescribed opioids. Migraineurs may experience serious health impacts from opioids such as headache-related disability, psychiatric and cardiovascular comorbidities. The reduction of the risk of opioid abuse and prevention of an opioid epidemic are important public health challenges. The aim of this study was to assess the awareness of opioid therapy for migraine and the frequency of use among Turkish patients with episodic and chronic migraine. Materials and methods: consecutive migraine patients were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed and used by the researchers to assess the patients’ awareness of an opiod treatment option and the frequency of use of opioids for migraine treatment. Results. One hundred two patients were enrolled, of which 72 had episodic migraine and 30 had chronic migraine. All subjects reported that they had not been offered or prescribed any kind of opioids by general practitioners and neurologists for their headache. Besides, only 7 % of patients declared that they had heard of opioid treatment for migraine but they had never consulted their doctors about its effects. Conclusions. Our fi ndings demonstrated that opioids were not preferred as an option for acute or preventive migraine treatment by Turkish migraineurs and their physicians. The reduction of opioid prescription will help to prevent the development of medication overuse and opiate-induced headaches and drug addiction.


  • IntroductionЦель работы: оценка информированности пациентов на территории Турции о возможности назначения опиоидной терапии при мигрени и изучение частоты ее использования у пациентов с эпизодической

  • Abortive migraine therapy involves the use of such drugs as ergot derivatives, triptans, simple analgesics, and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), while migraine prophylaxis relies on such drugs as beta-blockers, calcium channel antagonists, anticonvulsants, anti-depressants, and onabotulinum toxin A [4]

  • Despite the inadequate evidence of efficacy and safety of opioid use for the treatment of migraine, it has been reported that patients with severe migraine headaches are prescribed opioids for pain relief

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Цель работы: оценка информированности пациентов на территории Турции о возможности назначения опиоидной терапии при мигрени и изучение частоты ее использования у пациентов с эпизодической. Выводы: результаты исследования свидетельствуют, что на территории Турции препараты опиоидов не были предпочтительным вариантом выбора для лечения приступов мигрени и их профилактики как для врачей, так и для пациентов. Evidence of efficacy in acute migraine treatment in at least one placebo-controlled study has been reported for acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and metamizole [5]. The efficacy of opioids in acute migraine treatment has not been extensively investigated in randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies. The aim of this study was to assess the awareness of an opioid treatment option and the frequency of opioid use among Turkish patients with episodic and chronic migraine

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