
1. A case of a 27-year-old female is presented. The patient, after 18 months in a State hospital for mental diseases, with a mental picture of a typical hebephrenic-dementia-praecox type, developed signs of diffuse involvement of the spinal cord and optic systems with marked and rapid mental deterioration. 2. The most outstanding pathological findings were diffuse degeneration of the long ascending tracts of the spinal cord and spotty involvement of the optic system, including the optic nerve, optic tract, optic radiation, and occipital cortex, and also of the other sensory portions of the hemispheres. There was little, if any, evidence of a reactive condition on the part of the brain in the sense of inflammation, the picture being one of progressive degeneration. 3. The case is presented as an intermediate type in the large diverse group of diffuse sclerosis, Schilder's disease, acute multiple sclerosis, encephalo-myelitides, and ophthalmo-neuro-myelitides.

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