
The ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) constitutes the innermost detector of the ALICE experiment, which is the LHC experiment dedicated to the investigation of strongly interacting matter in heavy-ion collisions.The SPD consists of ∼ 10 million pixels organized in two layers at radii of 39 mm and 76 mm that cover a pseudorapidity range of | η | < 2 and | η | < 1.4, respectively. It provides the position of the primary and secondary vertices, and it has the unique feature of generating a trigger signal that contributes to the L0 trigger of the ALICE experiment. Installed in 2007, the SPD started to record data since the first LHC collisions. This contribution presents the main features of the SPD, the detector performance and the operational experience, including calibration and optimization activities, since installation in ALICE. The ongoing consolidation activities carried out to prepare the detector for the data taking during the RUN2 of LHC will be also described.


  • The Silicon Pixel Detector (SPD) consists of ∼10 million pixels organized in two layers at radii of 39 mm and 76 mm that cover a pseudorapidity range of |η| < 2 and |η| < 1.4, respectively

  • This contribution presents the main features of the SPD, the detector performance and the operational experience, including calibration and optimization activities, since installation in ALICE

  • Over the years, clogged filters have been identified in the cooling system; they were later drilled, increasing significantly the efficiency of the cooling system and the active portion of the detector

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Detector operation

The pixel detector and its trigger system have been operated in the experiment since 2008, for the acquisition of cosmic ray tracks used for the offline alignment of the detectors before the first circulating beams in the LHC. 2.2 Error handler An error handler [4] has been regularly used during the data acquisition to identify and store the errors of the pixel detector system. This tool is able to detect errors coming from different sources:. The driver layer of the pixel detector reads the errors from the Routers, and stores them in an Oracle database. This happens in parallel with the data acquisition, and the data taking is not disturbed by the error handling procedure. The errors can be later fetched from the database, and they are used either for debugging or for statistics

Detector calibration
Trigger calibration
Cooling interventions
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