
Nuclear radiation plays a very negative role in the semiconductor devices functionality, mainly when particular semiconductor devices are exposed to an extreme type of radiation. Tunneling is an important aspect of charge transport in semiconductor and molecular devices. So, the effect of electron irradiation on the current–voltage (I–V) characteristics of Germanium (Ge) and Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) tunneling diodes are reported at room temperature before and after irradiation. Electrons exposure, up to 3.73 My, of the tunnel diodes leads to a pronounced change in their electrical characteristics where the rate of change of the peak- and valley-currents, for Ge and GaAs tunnel diodes, due to electron exposure are shown to be about +53.6, +142 µA/MGy and +29.4, +53.6 µA/MGy, respectively. On the other hand, for the same irradiation doses, the rate of change of the valley- and forward-voltages and output power are shown to be about −44.9, −15.9 and −6.7 mW/MGy, for Ge tunnel diodes, respectively. While, GaAs samples, reported values of −81, −83 mV/MGy and −11.6 mW/MGy are observed. Besides, the peak to valley current ratio of both Ge- and GaAs TDs are proved to decrease due to electrons exposure, with damping ratios of about 78 and 81%, respectively.

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