
To reduce cardiovascular risk associated with hypertension, the majority of patients require at least two drugs to control their blood pressure (BP), and many require three or more. An open-label extension of a 10-week double-blind study assessed the long-term efficacy and safety of olmesartan/amlodipine/hydrochlorothiazide (OLM/AML/HCTZ) triple combination treatment in 2,509 patients with Grade 2-3 hypertension. After 8weeks of single-blind OLM/AML/HCTZ 20/5/12.5mg treatment, patients at BP goal [seated systolic/diastolic BP (SeSBP/SeDBP) <140/90mmHg, or <130/80mmHg for patients with diabetes, or chronic kidney or cardiovascular disease] entered open-label treatment for 36weeks. Patients not at goal received 8weeks of randomized, double-blind treatment before entering open-label treatment. During open-label treatment, patients received OLM/AML/HCTZ 20/5/12.5, 40/5/12.5, 40/5/25, 40/10/12.5 or 40/10/25mg with up- or down-titration as needed to achieve BP goals. During open-label treatment, mean SeSBP/SeDBP levels remained within the ranges 120-140 and 75-85mmHg, respectively. At study end, significant reductions from baseline were seen in each group for SeSBP (37-43mmHg) and SeDBP (22-27mmHg), and 78.1% of patients overall achieved BP goal. Categorical analysis of patients by baseline SeSBP (150-159, 160-169, 170-179, 180-189, 190 to <200mmHg) correlated with changes in SeSBP. Patients in the lowest baseline category (150-159mmHg) showed a reduction of 34.3mmHg, and those in the highest category (190 to <200mmHg) showed a 59.4mmHg reduction. At baseline, 90.8% of patients had Grade 2 or 3 hypertension, but at study end 91.9% had normal/high-normal BP. The incidence of adverse events was similar across the treatment groups. In patients with Grade 2-3 hypertension, long-term treatment with OLM/AML/HCTZ triple combination therapy was well tolerated and effective. A high level of BP control and a substantial reduction in the level of hypertension severity were achieved.

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