
In the past 20 years, clinicians have shifted away from relying solely on clinicopathologic indicators toward increasing use of multigene expression assays in guiding treatment decisions regarding adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage hormone receptor (HR)-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer. Oncotype DX Recurrence Score (RS) is one of the most widely used multigene assays when considering indications for adjuvant chemotherapy, and guidelines have recently incorporated its use in women with early HR-positive HER2-negative breast cancer and up to three positive lymph nodes. While multiple retrospective and prospective clinical studies have demonstrated that most women with a low- to mid-range RS (0–25) can safely forgo chemotherapy, premenopausal women remain an important subgroup for which recommendations based on RS are ill-defined. The majority of patients included in clinical trials and retrospective analyses validating the use of RS have been postmenopausal women. In the subgroup of premenopausal women with HR-positive HER2-negative breast cancer, studies indicate that traditional clinicopathologic methods for assessing risk continue to be powerful tools when combined with RS to predict benefit from chemotherapy. This suggests that there is an element of uncaptured risk inherent to the premenopausal state that evades characterization by RS alone. This review describes the evidence that has supported the recommendation of RS in clinical guidelines, specifically focusing on data for its current use in premenopausal women. We review available data regarding the impact of the menstrual cycle on hormonally regulated gene expression, which may drive variations in the RS. Further research on the reliability and interpretation of the RS in the premenopausal subgroup is necessary and represents a gap in knowledge of how the RS should be applied in premenopausal women.

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