
In situ SEM mechanical tests are key to study crystal plasticity. In particular, imaging and diffraction (EBSD) allow microstructure and surface kinematics to be monitored all along the test. However, to get a full benefit from different modalities, it is necessary to register all images and crystallographic orientation maps from EBSD into the same frame. Different correlative approaches tracking either Pt surface markings, crystal orientations or grain boundaries, allow such registrations to be performed and displacement as well as rotation fields to be measured, a primary information for crystal plasticity identification. However, the different contrasts that are captured in different modalities and unavoidable stage motions also give rise to artifacts that are to be corrected to register the different information onto the same material points. The same image correlation tools reveal very powerful to correct such artifacts. Illustrated by an in situ uniaxial tensile test performed on a bainitic-ferritic steel sample, recent advances in image correlation techniques are reviewed and shown to provide a comprehensive picture of local strain and rotation maps.

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