
Ionizing shock waves in magnetofluiddynamics occur when the coefficient of electrical conductivity is very small ahead of the shock and very large behind it. For planner motion of plasma, the structure of such shock waves are stated in terms of a system of four‐dimensional equations. In this paper, we show that for the above electrical conductivity as well as for limiting cases, that is, when this coefficient is zero ahead of the shock and/or is infinity behind it, ionizing fast, slow, switch‐on and switch‐off shocks admit structure. This means that physically these shocks occur.


  • ON THE STRUCTURE Of IONIZING SHOCK WAVES IN MAGNETOFLUIDDYNAMICSIonizing shock waves in magnetofluiddynamics occur when the coefficient of electrical conductivity is very small ahead of the shock and very large behind it

  • An ionizing shock is defined as a compressive wave which propagates into a nonionized, nonconducting gas, ionizes it, and makes the post-shock gas electrically conducting and capable of interacting with an electromagnetic field. In this type of shock wave the pre-shock of the gas is nonconducting and the post-shock state is ionized and a good electrical conductor. This type of shock wave is considered as a system of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) or magnetofluiddynamics (MFD)

  • Is not considered in the literature, but the cases of ionizing fast, switch-on and the case of transverse magnetic field can be solved with the same technique which is used and the previous sections

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Ionizing shock waves in magnetofluiddynamics occur when the coefficient of electrical conductivity is very small ahead of the shock and very large behind it. For planner motion of plasma, the structure of such shock waves are stated in terms of a system of fourdimensional equations. We show that for the above electrical conductivity as well as for limiting cases, that is, when this coefficient is zero ahead of the shock and/or is infinity behind it, ionizing fast, slow, switch-on and switch-off shocks admit structure. This means that physically these shocks occur.

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