
In the case of Maxwellian molecules, the Wild summation formula gives an expression for the solution of the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation in terms of its initial data F as a sum f ( v , t ) = ∑ n = 1 ∞ e - t ( 1 - e - t ) n - 1 Q n + ( F ) ( v ) . Here, Q n + ( F ) is an average over n-fold iterated Wild convolutions of F. If M denotes the Maxwellian equilibrium corresponding to F, then it is of interest to determine bounds on the rate at which ∥ Q n + ( F ) - M ∥ L 1 ( R ) tends to zero. In the case of the Kac model, we prove that for every ε > 0 , if F has moments of every order and finite Fisher information, there is a constant C so that for all n, ∥ Q n + ( F ) - M ∥ L 1 ( R ) ⩽ Cn Λ + ε where Λ is the least negative eigenvalue for the linearized collision operator. We show that Λ is the best possible exponent by relating this estimate to a sharp estimate for the rate of relaxation of f ( · , t ) to M. A key role in the analysis is played by a decomposition of Q n + ( F ) into a smooth part and a small part. This depends in an essential way on a probabilistic construction of McKean. It allows us to circumvent difficulties stemming from the fact that the evolution does not improve the qualitative regularity of the initial data.

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