
A multitude of measures, including regulatory changes, law enforcement measures and demandreduction campaigns, appear to have done little to stem the tide against organised environmentalcrimes. However, fewer rhinos were poached in South Africa’s signature national park, the KrugerNational Park (KNP), in 2015 and 2016 than in the year before and a steady decline was evidentat the time of the interview in June 2017. The KNP is home to the largest number of free roamingrhinos in the world. The park has been in the ‘eye of the storm’, losing close to 4 000 rhinosto poaching between 2006 and 2016. In 2012, the South African National Parks (SANParks)management formed a unit named Special Projects. The function of the project team was todevelop and implement mitigation measures to deal with the drastic increase in wildlife crime and,in particular, rhino poaching in the KNP. Major General Johan Jooste (Ret) heads the unit. Criticalvoices have questioned the efficacy of the anti-poaching strategy, suggesting that park authoritiesare waging a ‘war on poaching’ with unintended long-term consequences for protected areasmanagement and community relations.1 Scholars have argued that ‘green militarisation’ has led toan arms race between poachers and rangers2 and, moreover, that ‘green violence’ has led to thedeployment of violent instruments and tactics in pursuit of the protection of nature, and ideas andaspirations related to nature conservation.3

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