
At present all space propulsion systems as well as jet engines rely on the reaction principle, and thus need a substantial supply of fuel. In general, fuel mass is much larger than the payload, and thus all these systems are severely limited by basic physics. Any space vehicle launched must overcome the gravitational field of the Earth, whose governing law was already established by Isaac Newton in 1687. Hence, any breakthrough in propulsion, in order to become a real game changer, needs to be functioning without propellant, and thus has to be able to produce its own gravitational field, strong enough to overcome planetary gravitation. However, if gravity were completely described by Newton’s law, as current physics proposes, there is no possibility in achieving this goal. Any breakthrough in propulsion does require a breakthrough in gravitational physics (but not in particle physics). The paper therefore discusses the reality of the existence of novel gravity-like fields, both experimental and theoretical. To this end, a set of eleven experiments was identified that contradict established physical theories. In addition, a theoretical approach is presented, termed Extended Heim Theory (EHT), that predicts six fundamental forces, three of them of gravitational origin as well as the existence of an interaction between electromagnetism and gravitation. As a result, entirely new gravitational laws should exist. This view might be supported, for instance, by the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) hypothesis, which alters Newtonian gravity for small accelerations. It implies that the relation between the Newtonian gravitational force and acceleration differs from Newton’s second law for very weak accelerations, which is typical for large scale structures like galaxies. So far MOND has not been motivated by any underlying physical model or theory. Therefore an attempt is made to explain the physics of MOND employing the novel physical concepts of EHT. In addition, recently S. S. McGaugh has demonstrated the validity of MOND for 47 gas rich galaxies. The experimental situation seems to be contradictory, since Cifuolini in 2006 and the NASA-Stanford Gravity Probe-B experiment in 2007 confirmed the Lense-Thirring effect as predicted by GR (gravitomagnetic fields generated by a rotating massive body, i.e. Earth) within some 10-15%, validating the predictions of GR. The experimental situation seems to be irreconcilable, because in numerous experiments, first published in 2006, Tajmar et al. reported on the measurements of extreme gravitomagnetic fields produced by small rotating Nb rings at cryogenic temperatures that are up to 18 orders of magnitude larger than predicted by GR. In this overview paper a non-mathematical account is given in order to reveal the underlying physics of MOND and to try to clarify the multi-faceted physical nature of gravity. Most important, it turns out, that entirely novel technology might be possible in form of gravitational engineering, that is, laboratory generated gravity-like fields might be producible, similar to the generation of electromagnetic fields, which would give rise to a revolution in propulsion as well as energy generation.

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