
MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding), a high resolution limb sounder, is now under construction as an ESA Developed Instrument (EDI) on ESA's planned environmental satellite ENVISAT-1. The feasibility of detecting 27 trace constituents with MIPAS in the middle atmosphere has been studied under a contract with ESA on the basis of simulated limb emission spectra in the mid-i.r. spectral region from 4.15 to 14.6 μm assuming a spectral resolution of 0.05 cm -1. Synthetic emission spectra have been generated for complete limb sequences. For the best suited spectral features, radiance profiles have been calculated for various atmospheric conditions. Based on the present performance parameters of MIPAS, altitude ranges have been estimated in which each constituent can be measured within defined limits of accuracy. The working procedure and the main results of the study on MIPAS' capability to measure the atmospheric composition are presented. While the results are specific to this instrument, they might be of general interest to investigators working in the area of high resolution atmospheric remote sensing.

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