
ABSTRACT The small dark globules seen against the nebulosity in the northwest quadrant of NGC 2237-2244 are shown on a 120-inch direct photograph to have an elongated, tear-drop form with the symmetry axes and sharper edges directed toward the central star cluster. This orientation is shared by the well-known elephant trunk structure, which in general lies farther from the center than these isolated dark spots. Examples of globules still connected with large dark masses by dust filaments are also present. It is suggested that these globules represent a late stage in the pinching-off and dissipation of elephant trunks as the central cavity of the H II region expands into the peripheral dust clouds, and that these globules are not protostars. It is estimated that the age of a typical small isolated globule in this region of NGC 2237-2244 is of the order of 10,000 years.

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