
This paper considers the use of compounds having a nitrile group, such as Tecflote S10, S11, S12, and S13, as potential collectors in the flotation of sulfide copper-nickel ore. Tecflote S12, S10, and S13 reagents are substituted aminonitriles with one or two nitrile groups, differing by the hydrocarbon radical R, with its length in the range of C10–18. Tecflote S11 is a dimer with only two nitrile groups. Respective copper- and nickel-containing minerals were subjected to test hydrophobization when exposed to these reagents in frothless flotation using two ore samples characterized by higher chalcopyrite/pentlandite and nickel-bearing pyrotine grades. This paper shows the distribution of copper and nickel in the resulting frothless flotation products. A comparison of the results obtained when using aqueous and hexane solutions of the collector has demonstrated that Tecflote S12 is more efficient for nickel-containing minerals due to the possibility of direct interaction of the mineral particle with the collector in the volume of the solution. The formation of a Tecflote S12 complex with non-ferrous metal atoms is evidenced by the presence of broad bands corresponding to copper and nickel ions in the region of 290–360 cm–1 Raman spectrum in the compounds obtained by extraction from the aqueous solutions of copper and nickel chlorides. The flotation tests carried out using a sample of finely disseminated refractory copper-nickel ore from the Pechenga ore field have showed that feeding Tecflote S12 into the main flotation cycle, combined with xanthate and aeroflot, allows improving the yield of the finished concentrate and ensures lower nickel losses with tailings.

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