
The article emphasizes that today one of the main vectors of the National Police 'businesses are aimed at preventing offenses, the so-called preventive or preventive activity. In view of this, the terms «preventive activity» and «preventive activity» were investigated in detail, which is carried out by the employees of the National Police of Ukraine. And the purpose of the article is an analysis of preventive measures and preventive measures in the activities of the National Police of Ukraine through the prism of modern legislation, retreating and providing definitions. Thus, having analyzed the current legislation and scientific revision of modern scientists, the author provides author's definitions of these terms. Preventive measures This is a narrower concept under which it is understood clearly defined in the Law or Complex of Police Actions applicable in accordance with the current legislation to ensure the implementation of the requirements that restrict certain rights and freedoms of man and the use of which do not is always associated with an unlawful behavior of specific individuals. In turn, preventive measures are the actions of the police aimed at preventing the offenses and preventing their teaching, eliminating their reasons and conditions that cause them. And concluded that speaking of any prevention measures that are used by policemen to prevent / prevent any kind of offenses it is expedient to use the very term «preventive measures», and the term «preventive measures» is used only in case when it comes to events provided by the Law of Ukraine «On National Police». Because, preventive police and prophylactic measures of the police are different concepts. And in its daily activities, representatives of the National Police of Ukraine must use them appropriate and not confused with each other. Given the fact that this can complicate the daily police officer directed to crime prevention.

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