
Let $\xi$ be a subordinator with Laplace exponent $\Phi$, $I=\int_{0}^{\infty}\exp(-\xi_s)ds$ the so-called exponential functional, and $X$ (respectively, $\hat X$) the self-similar Markov process obtained from $\xi$ (respectively, from $\hat{\xi}=-\xi$) by Lamperti's transformation. We establish the existence of a unique probability measure $\rho$ on $]0,\infty[$ with $k$-th moment given for every $k\in N$ by the product $\Phi(1)\cdots\Phi(k)$, and which bears some remarkable connections with the preceding variables. In particular we show that if $R$ is an independent random variable with law $\rho$ then $IR$ is a standard exponential variable, that the function $t\to E(1/X_t)$ coincides with the Laplace transform of $\rho$, and that $\rho$ is the $1$-invariant distribution of the sub-markovian process $\hat X$. A number of known factorizations of an exponential variable are shown to be of the preceding form $IR$ for various subordinators $\xi$.


  • Introduction and main resultsLet ξ = be a subordinator started from 0; the degenerate case when ξ ≡ 0 being implicitly excluded

  • This note is motivated by several recent works [4, 5, 6, 7, 8] related to the so-called exponential functional exp(−ξt)dt

  • Recall that the distribution of I is determined by its entire moments, which are given in terms of the Laplace exponent Φ by the identity

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Introduction and main results

In order to present a further relation involving the law ρ, we introduce a second self-similar Markov process, denoted by X It is obtained by replacing the subordinator ξ by its dual ξ = −ξ in Lamperti’s construction. We may think of Xas the dual of X with respect to the Lebesgue measure; see [5] It is again a strong Markov process, and its semigroup will be denoted by Pt, i.e. Ptf (y) = E f (Xt) | X0 = y for every bounded continuous function f :]0, ∞[→ R with the convention that f (0) = 0 (since 0 is a cemetery point). Beta and Gamma variables play an important role in these casestudies

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