
Introduction. The object of the research is the electronic nomad. Many aspects of his life are immoral in nature, which he does not notice. The purpose of the article is to study the moral aspect of being an electronic nomad. Materials and Methods. The research method is the analytical method. It allows a deeper understanding of the problem under consideration in the context of modern transformations of the digital society. Research Results. It is shown that the nomad is lonely and often this is facilitated by the lack of communication skills, but he is not able to admit this to himself, hiding behind contacts on social networks. Positioning oneself through myth-design in a virtual environment, redundancy of information and contacts lead to alienation, deceit and hypocrisy. The lack of reflective and critical perception of what is happening allows you to manipulate the electronic nomad. The study of the problem made it possible to conclude that the electronic nomad turns out to be immoral in the first place in relation to himself. By constructing something that does not exist, he introduces a split in his being. Discussion and Conclusion. The listed above actualizes the introduction of moral norms into the electronic environment and adherence to them. But for this, the nomad must admit his own immorality in relation to himself and take care of minimizing lies in his being. The proposed provisions and conclusions create the prerequisites for further studying the phenomenon of electronic nomadism in order to solve the existential problems of an electronic nomad and avoid an individual crisis.

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