
An optimal control problem for a semilinear elliptic equation is discussed, where the control appears nonlinearly in the state equation but is not included in the objective functional. The existence of optimal controls is proved by a measurable selection technique. First-order necessary optimality conditions are derived and two types of second-order sufficient optimality conditions are established. A first theorem invokes a well-known assumption on the set of zeros of the switching function. A second relies on coercivity of the second derivative of the reduced objective functional. The results are applied to the convergence of optimal state functions for a finite element discretizion of the control problem.


  • In this paper, we consider the following optimal control problem:(P) min J(u), u\in \scrU ad where\scrU ad = \{ u \in L\infty (\Omega ) : \alpha \leq u(x) \leq \beta for a.a. x \in \Omega \}with - \infty < \alpha < \beta < +\infty, and\int J(u) = L(x, yu(x)) dx. \OmegaAbove L : \Omega \times \BbbR - \rightar \BbbR is a given function, and yu is the solution of the following elliptic equation: (1.1)\bigl\{ Ay = f (x, y, u) in \Omega, \partialnA y = on \Gama

  • By using a structural assumption on the optimal adjoint state, we show that the control satisfying the first-order optimality conditions is locally optimal in the sense of L\infty (\Omega )

  • We show the existence of optimal controls by a measurable selection theorem

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We consider the following optimal control problem:. \scrU ad = \{ u \in L\infty (\Omega ) : \alpha \leq u(x) \leq \beta for a.a. x \in \Omega \}. By using a structural assumption on the optimal adjoint state, we show that the control satisfying the first-order optimality conditions is locally optimal in the sense of L\infty (\Omega ). Due to the monotonicity of f with respect to y, the existence of a unique solution of (1.1) in H1(\Omega ) \cap L\infty (\Omega ) is a classical result; see, for instance, [3] or [25, Theorem 4.7]. \leq Cf,M \| uk - u\| Lp\=(\Omega )\| yuk - yu\| Lp\=\prime (\Omega ) \leq Cf,M Cp\=,\Omega \| uk - u\| Lp\=(\Omega )\| yuk - yu\| H1(\Omega ), where we have used that p\= >

The above estimate leads to
Endowed with the graph norm
This means that
This leads to
Let us define
Dividing the above expression by
For the second limit it is enough to observe that
Collecting the last three results we obtain
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