
Authentication of a user through an ID and password is generally done at the start of a session. But the continuous authentication system observe the genuineness of the user throughout the entire session, and not at login only. In this paper, we propose the usage of keystroke dynamics as biometric trait for continuous user authentication in desktop platform. Biometric Authentication involves mainly three phases named as enrollment phase, verification phase and identification phase. The identification phase marks the accessed user as an authenticated only if the input pattern matches with the profile pattern otherwise the system is logout. The proposed Continuous User Biometric Authentication (CUBA) System is based on free text input from keyboard. There is no restriction on input data during Enrolment, Verification, and Identification phase. Unsupervised One-class Support Vector Machine is used to classify the authenticated user’s input from all the other inputs. This continuous authentication system can be used in many areas like in Un-proctored online examination systems, Intrusion & Fraud Detection Systems, Areas where user alertness is required for entire period e.g. Controlling Air Traffic etc.

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