
Views Several new experimental findings have shown that atomic nuclei cannot have a similar structure of that adopted in the ‎Standard Nuclear Physics (SNP), because there are insurmountable obstacles to be transposed. Nuclear theorists have tried to ‎explain some of the misfires with bizarre theories, but there is a failure impossible to be explained by any theoretical attempt, ‎and such failure impossible to be solved represents the definitive proof that SNP works through wrong foundations. The failure ‎comes from the excited isotopes carbon-12, oxygen-16, Argon-36, calcium-40, and calcium-42. All them with spin 2, have null ‎magnetic moments, but this is impossible because it’s any combination of spins from which those excited isotopes, with spin 2, may ‎have a null magnetic moment, if we try to explain it with any of the current nuclear models of the SNP.‎ And the unavoidable conclusion is that it’s impossible to eliminate the inconsistencies of the SNP by keeping its current ‎fundamental premises.‎

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