
The only really useful practical method for solving numerical algebraic equations of higher orders, possessing complex roots, is that devised by C. H. Graeffe early in the nineteenth century. When an equation with real coefficients has only one or two pairs of complex roots, the Graeffe process leads to the evaluation of these roots without great labour. If, however, the equation has a number of pairs of complex roots there is considerable difficulty in completing the solution: the moduli of the roots are found easily, but the evaluation of the arguments often leads to long and wearisome calculations. The best method that has yet been suggested for overcoming this difficulty is that by C. Runge (Praxis der Gleichungen, Sammlung Schubert). It consists in making a change in the origin of the Argand diagram by shifting it to some other point on the real axis of the original Argand plane. The new moduli and the old moduli of the complex roots can then be used as bipolar coordinates for deducing the complex roots completely: this also checks the real roots.

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