
Coniothyrium minkans is a hyperparasite of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and, S. trifoliorum known from the U.S.A., Europe and New Zealand. Its host range in culture includes Sclerotinia minor and some strains of Botrytis cinerea, B. fabae and Sclerotium cepivorum . Inoculation experiments and general observations indicate that it is not pathogenic to green plants. The optimum temperature for growth on agar and for infection of S. sclerotiorum sclerotia is 20 ° but good growth and parasitism occur at 10 ° . Using a standardized infection test with a comparatively low concentration of C. minkans spores great variability is demonstrated in the susceptibility of different isolates of S. sclerotiorum . Sclerotia produced in agar culture are markedly more resistant to infection than those grown on autoclaved carrots. Application of inoculum in the form of pycnidial dust to sclerotia placed on compost results in high levels of infection.

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