
Complaints were down to half of previous years, and dominated by subscription/communication matters (panel). At an informal level, the ombudsman was also drawn into Lancet readers' debate on genetically modified foods. Panel Tabled 1Complaints July, 1999, to June, 2000 Editorial Verdict 1 Rejection of paper over 8 months after receipt: appeal to editorial conference arranged, but unsuccessful there on reconsideration. Rejected Subscriptions 2 Subscriber chose incorrect subscription rates: refund request turned down, but 5 years' free subscription offered in lieu. Rejected 3 Subscription not honoured following accounting mishap: generous allowance activated. Upheld Communication 4 Authentication code for connecting to Lancet Interactive unsuccessful: corrected with apologies. Upheld 5 Faulty journal copies not replaced despite requests: corrected with apologies. Upheld 6 Unsatisfactory delay with new mailing Arrangements for Lancet correspondence going overseas: investigated and action initiated Upheld Open table in a new tab Tabled 1Complaints July, 1999, to June, 2000 Editorial Verdict 1 Rejection of paper over 8 months after receipt: appeal to editorial conference arranged, but unsuccessful there on reconsideration. Rejected Subscriptions 2 Subscriber chose incorrect subscription rates: refund request turned down, but 5 years' free subscription offered in lieu. Rejected 3 Subscription not honoured following accounting mishap: generous allowance activated. Upheld Communication 4 Authentication code for connecting to Lancet Interactive unsuccessful: corrected with apologies. Upheld 5 Faulty journal copies not replaced despite requests: corrected with apologies. Upheld 6 Unsatisfactory delay with new mailing Arrangements for Lancet correspondence going overseas: investigated and action initiated Upheld Open table in a new tab Brown-Séquard and his syndromeThe physical signs of classic Brown-Séuard syndrome are shown in figure 2. The points to note are total loss of sensation and flaccid paralysis at the level of the lesion due to destruction of nerve fibres at that segment of the spinal cord. The spinothalamic tracts enter the cord and travel ipsilaterally for one to two levels before crossing over, and, therefore, the contralateral loss of spinothalamic sensation begins a few spinal levels below the site of the lesion (figure 3). Full-Text PDF

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