
This article highlights that individuals make sudden decisions in their rushing world that has hard work ethic in itself. Fables have moral lessons as in Robert Fox’s “A Fable” short short story. This article concerns the tendency of hard work ethic to earn money by conforming to the rat-race of living. It analyzes a short short story in which the American Dream is hidden in this rushing world. The reality of the pursuit of American Dream of success is quite different. It does not bring success for everyone all the time. “A Fable” is quite extraordinary: Having the setting of the subway, it depicts the hastiness of working life in which individuals become like a machine to work hard. As they intend to earn their living by working hard, they ultimately aspire to become a wealthy individual. Although this short short story is quite short it has a semantic depth in which there are implicit meanings in the written text. Flowing life on the subway has optimistic outlook. Similar to the other individuals in Manhattan, these individuals pursue the wish of actualizing the myth of the American Dream to have success and become wealthy through their hard work. However, they ultimately notice that they actualize most of the things opposite to the American Dream of success in their lives.

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