
Tennessee reported 244 exploratory wells and 148 development wells in 1982 compared with 188 exploratory wells and 128 development wells in 1981. Exploratory wells resulted in 63 oil wells, 92 gas wells, 9 oil and gas wells, and 81 dry holes, a success rate of 67%. Development wells were 93% successful. In 1982, 1,069 permits were issued compared with 1,228 in 1981. A well in Gum Branch field in Scott County had an initial production from the Ft. Payne of 1,970 BOPD, the largest reported in 1982. Generating the most interest in 1982 was a well in Hancock County that had an initial production of 1 MMCFGD from 6 zones in an interval of 220 ft in the Knox. Exploratory footage was 434,700 ft and development footage was 246,000 ft. The deepest well (a dry hole) was a test in A derson County drilled to a depth of 11,540 ft, probably in the Precambrian. Production in Tennessee in 1982 was 1,122,000 bbl of oil, 23.4% more than in 1981, and 2.98 bcf of gas, 75% more than in 1981. Illinois reported 3,003 oil and gas tests in 1982, 4.4% less than in 1981. Exploratory tests numbered 648, down 2.6%; the success rate was 19.4%. Total footage drilled (including service wells) was 8,259,460 ft, down 6.3%. In April 1982, Rofan Energies 1 Hippen in Brown County discovered Buckhorn East field and started the most exciting play in Illinois during 1982. The well had an initial production of 125 BOPD from Silurian dolomite between 655 ft and total depth of 666 ft. About 60 producers have been completed in the field, and development continues. In less than a year, the field has produced more than 500,000 bbl of oil. In 1982, 496 permits were issued for Brown County; only 29 were issued in 1981. Brown County is high on the northwest flank of the Illinois basin and only a few miles east of the crest of the Mississippi River arch. Elsewhere in Illinois, activity has followed the pattern of recent years. Exploration for Salem (Valmeyeran) production continues, and the Devonian in the deeper parts of the basin has been receiving increased attention, with some notable success. Drilling activity is expected to remain high in 1983, but not as high as in 1982. Indiana reported 1,025 oil and gas tests in 1982, an increase of 26.4% from 1981; 449 exploratory tests were drilled (up 29.0% from 1981), with a success rate of 19.2%. Development wells were 70.1% successful. The play involving the sandstone reservoirs in the Renault Formation (Mississippian), which began in 1980, accounted for much of the activity in 1982. Renault sandstone production was discovered in Springfield Consolidated field in Posey County; 26 Renault producers were completed in the area by the end of 1982, with initial productions averaging 190 BOPD, average depths of 2,861 ft, and average pay thicknesses of about 7 ft. Drilling activity in the Trenton field in east-central Indiana was brisk; some operators expressed disappointment with results, but others have been acquir ng lease blocks. The drilling rate and objectives in Indiana are not expected to change greatly in 1983. Most of the drilling is expected to take place in Mississippian rocks in the Indiana part of the Illinois basin. Estimated oil production in 1982 was 5,563,000 bbl, an increase of 842,000 bbl from 1981. In Kentucky, 6,604 permits were issued in 1982, an increase of 24% over 1981. Reported completions totaled 3,177, an increase of 89.8%. Of the total completions, 1,585 were producers (up 86.3% from 1981), a success rate of 49.9%. There were 887 exploratory tests drilled (up 79.9% from 1981), and the success rate was 27.62%. Discoveries included 8 oil fields, 5 gas fields, 17 oil pools, 10 gas pools, 28 deeper oil pools, 17 deeper gas pools, 11 shallower oil pools, and 1 shallower gas pool. The Knox (Ordovician) play in south-central Kentucky has dominated the drilling activity and is responsible for many small, isolated discoveries which contributed to an increase in production. The Trixie gas field in Clay County and the deeper pays in the Mine Fork pool in Johnson County were the mo t interesting discoveries in 1982. Both discoveries are producing from fractured reservoirs of Ordovician age. The search for shallow Mississippian, Devonian, Silurian, and Ordovician pays in south-central Kentucky will continue to dominate future activity. Oil production in 1982 was 7,347,959 bbl, up 15.6% from 1981. Natural gas production was 51,924,188 mcf, down 15.3% from 1981. A depressed market, rather than declining production capability, is responsible for the decrease.

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