
Background CJDATS-2 (Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Systems), a 5-year multisite national research collaborative funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), targeted implementation of evidence-based approaches for assessing and treating drug abuse within criminal justice settings. The Organizational Process Improvement Intervention, one of the major projects within the collaborative, was an intervention designed to improve the assessment of prisoners, the development of case plans for community services, the transfer of this information to community treatment agencies, and the use of the case plans by community treatment agencies that provide the recommended services. A local change team (LCT) consisting of criminal justice and community treatment staff and a facilitator conducted an organizational needs assessment and then identified and implemented targeted process improvement goals over an 18 to 24-month period.


  • We hypothesized that the experimental sites would show greater improvement in staff perceptions of assessment practices than control sites (H1), and that any observed experimental effects would be sustained during a 3month follow-up period (H2)

  • Significant intervention and sustainability effects were found for measurement and instrumentation (MI), integration with the case plan (ICP), and service activation and delivery (SAD)

  • No significant effects were found for conveyance and utility (CU)

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Open Access

Case planning, and referral to community-based treatment: effects of a structured process improvement initiative. Wayne N Welsh1*, Hsiu-Ju Lin, Roger H Peters, Lynda AR Stein, Sami Abdel-Salam. From 2014 Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference Boston, MA, USA. From 2014 Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) Conference Boston, MA, USA. 15-17 October 2014

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