
The use of the new apipreparation to treatment of experimental periodontitis in rats, was showed that the preparation had parodontoprotecting effect by stimulating saliva and saliva normalizing biochemical parameters that characterize the state of lipid peroxidation and the level of proteolysis. Applications developed apipreparation effectively inhibit the processes of bone resorption jaws and stimulate reparative regeneration of bone jaws in rats. Aim. Improving the efficacy ot treatment of generalized periodontitis by studying the impact of new apipreparation in saliva and saliva biochemical parameters in experimental periodontitis. The results have shown that the use apipreparation effective at indicators of inflammation in experimental periodontitis, showing a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Our records antioxidant effect apipreparation implemented preventing the formation and accumulation of lipid peroxidation end POL products at different stages of the process and the initiation of appropriate storage activity of enzymatic chain AOX protection body. In our view, the antioxidant effect apipreparation provides prevention formation in periodontal widespread membranspatological state. All this is ultimately aimed at preserving the functional integrity of the supporting tooth-retaining device in terms of inflammatory and destructive periodontal disease. Conclusions. 1. In terms of experimental periodontitis defined apipreparatu positive effect on functional activity of salivary glands and periodontal status, as evidenced by a decrease in the degree of atrophy of the alveolar process. 2. The use of the apipreparation leads up to the normalization of biochemical parameters in the oral fluid in rats with periodontitis, indicating a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action. 3. These data provide a basis for further study of the effectiveness apipreparation for treatment of major periodontal diseases


  • The use of the new apipreparation to treatment of experimental periodontitis in rats, was showed that the preparation had parodontoprotecting effect by stimulating saliva and saliva normalizing biochemical parameters that characterize the state of lipid peroxidation and the level of proteolysis

  • Applications developed apipreparation effectively inhibit the processes of bone resorption jaws and stimulate reparative regeneration of bone jaws in rats

  • The results have shown that the use apipreparation effective at indicators of inflammation in experimental periodontitis, showing a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

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ДІЯ НОВОГО АПІПРЕПАРАТУ НА БІОХІМІЧНІ ПОКАЗНИКИ СЛИНИ ПРИ ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНОМУ ПАРОДОНТИТІ Застосування нового апіпрепарату для лікування експериментального пародонтиту у щурів показало, що препарат виявляє пародонтопротекторну дію, стимулюючи слиновиділення та нормалізуючи біохімічні показники слини, які характеризують стан перекісного окислення ліпідів і рівень протеолізу. The use of the new apipreparation to treatment of experimental periodontitis in rats, was showed that the preparation had parodontoprotecting effect by stimulating saliva and saliva normalizing biochemical parameters that characterize the state of lipid peroxidation and the level of proteolysis.

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