
借鉴传统客运“四阶段”预测方法的货车交通预测方法较之于传统的宏观预测方法更能体现研究区域内货运量与货车交通之间的关系。但是货车OD获取难度大,国内研究几为空白,从而限制了上述方法的应用。基于此,本文结合乌鲁木齐经济技术开发区的实际情况,根据从多种口径调查得到的数据,研究分析如何获取货车OD的方法。 Compared to traditional macroeconomic forecasting methods, four stages truck traffic forecasting methods learning from traditional passenger four method is better reflecting the relationship within study area between cargo and traffic. however, it difficult to get od, domestic research nearly blank, thus limiting application of above methods. based on this, combined with actual situation in urumqi economic technological development zone, this article studies how od according survey data obtained a variety sources.

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