
The information concerning the origin, biogeography and dispersal mechanisms of sphaeriid species in the Holarctic region is very limited. In this study, we report on the first occurrence of Euglesa globularis in the Magadan Oblast. According to our molecular data, 16S RNA sequences of E. globularis are represented by two haplotypes, one of which is identical with the samples that were collected in North America. Our findings highlight the possible exchange between the freshwater biotas of North-West Asia and the West of North America in Beringia during the Pleistocene. Furthermore, we describe the first case of bivalve mollusk E. globularis attached to toes of the amphibian species Salamandrella keyserlingii. According to our data, S. keyserlingii could play a minor role in the dispersal of bivalves at the local scale.

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