
A total of 598 samples of food products and environmental swabs were analysed for Listeriaorganisms. Four percent of farm bulk raw milk samples contained Listeriaspp. and 1.6% yielded L. monocytogenes. The incidence of L. monocytogenes was much higher (26.6%) in raw milk from dairy plant silo tanks. All 11 raw ground meat samples tested yielded Listeria Seven of the ground meats had L. monocytogenes, three yielded L. innocua and one had L. welshimeri. Two thirds of the raw meat cuts harboured Listeria spp. with 44.4% (eight samples) containing L. monocytogenes. Two out of seven poultry samples yielded Listeria.Listeria were not isolated from cooked meats and raw vegetables. However, a large proportion (14.9%) of the processed packaged meat samples were found to be contaminated with L. monocytogenes.

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