
Rationale:Laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) is commonly performed as a primary treatment for acute primary angle closure glaucoma after administration of anti-glaucoma medications or for prevention of this condition. Minor complications may occur following LPI and most of them do not have deleterious consequences. We report a rare case of lens subluxation that has a possible relationship with LPI treatment.Patient concerns:A 54-year-old female patient was initially referred for surgical treatment of medication-uncontrollable angle closure glaucoma in her left eye. The patient had undergone Neodymium:YAG LPI at an outside hospital 2 months prior to the presentation due to an episode of elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). About 5 days after the LPI, she had spontaneous blurred vision, redness, and pain in the left eye. Her IOP was found to re-rise and was not controlled well even with maximum tolerated anti-glaucoma medications during the following 2 months. On slit-lamp examination, the significant shallowing of both peripheral and central anterior chamber was noted in the left eye. Ultrasound biomicroscopy examination revealed the lens tilting towards the iris and the inferior zonular dehiscence corresponding to the iridotomy site.Diagnoses:Lens subluxation secondary to LPI treatment in the left eye.Interventions:Phacoemulsification combined with in-the-bag intraocular lens implantation was performed in the left eye. The zonular weakness corresponding to the iridotomy site was further confirmed during surgery.Outcomes:The patient's IOP remained stable in the first postoperative 3 months without additional anti-glaucoma medications.Lessons:Laser peripheral iridotomy may cause structural zonular damage, and ophthalmologists should be aware of this potential complication and proceed with caution.

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