
The Padua Inventory (PI) a self-report measure of obsessions and compulsions, was administered to 678 individuals. Six to seven months after, this initial screening, the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule-Revised (ADIS-R) was administered to 14 individuals who scored in the top 3% and 14 individuals who scored between the 42nd and 48th percentile on the PI. In the diagnostic interview, the 14 high scorers reported significantly more obsessions and compulsions, more general worry, and moresevere physiological symptoms when they worry than the comparison group. In addition, 9 of the 14 high scorers met DSM-III-R criteria for obsessive compulsive disorder with 3 of these 9 individuals also meeting criteria for generalized anxiety disorder though none had ever sought treatment for obsessions, compulsions, or worry. The high scorers also reported more obsessions and compulsions during 7 days of self-monitoring and had more depressive symptoms than the comparison group. Suggestions are made for additional research on OCD.

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