
Divisional morphogenesis of the marine hypotrichous ciliate, Tachysoma ovata was investigated based on protargol impregnated specimens. Its morphogenesis reveals the following peculiarities: (1) there is a definite period during which the anterior part of the newly formed adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) in the opisthe connects with the parental AZM which remains unchanged during the morphogenesis. (2) The anlagen of left and right marginal rows do not develop simultaneously. (3) The replication processes of macronuclear segments are not recognizable during cell division. It is likely that the replication takes place during the interphase. (4) The origin of the fronto-ventral-transverse (FVT) cirral anlagen in the opisthe is characteristic: in other Tachysoma spp. these primordia are generated either from differentiated parental ciliatures (or are orientated by pre-existent organelles), or by division of the proter's FVT-cirral primordia. (5) The primordium of the undulating membranes in the proter always keeps the form of two streaks (so-called ‘semi-anlagen’). There is no conspicuous dedifferentiation or reorganization of the undulating membranes. A morphogenetic comparison with other species of this genus was carried out.

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