
Knowledge of injection and pre-acceleration mechanisms of ions is of fundamental importance for understanding particle acceleration that takes place in various astrophysical settings. The heliosphere offers the best chance to study these poorly understood processes experimentally. We examine ion injection and pre-acceleration using measurements of the bulk and suprathermal solar wind, and pickup ions. Our most puzzling observation is that high-velocity tails, extending to at least 60 keV/e - the upper limit of measurements -, are omnipresent in the slow, in-ecliptic solar wind; these tails exist even in the absence of any shocks. The cause of these tails is unknown. In the disturbed solar wind inside CIRs and downstream of shocks and waves these high-speed tails in the distributions of H+, He+ and He++ become more pronounced and more complex, but with the shapes of the tails showing the same dependence on ion speed for the different species. Pickup hydrogen and helium are found to be readily injected for subsequent acceleration to MeV energies, and thus are the dominant source of CIR-accelerated energetic ions. Competing sources of MeV ions heavier than He are: (1) heated suprathermal solar wind observed downstream of CIR shocks, (2) interstellar N, O and Ne, and (3) the newly discovered heavy pickup ions from an extended inner source inside 1 AU. Our main conclusion is that mechanisms other than the traditional first-order shock acceleration process produce most of the modestly accelerated ions seen in the slow solar wind.

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