
There is evidence that nutritional phosphorus (P) excess may be a risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD) in humans and pets (Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal (2014), 5, 104; The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (2013), 98, 6; Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, (2017); The source of phosphorus influences serum PTH, apparent digestibility and blood levels of calcium and phosphorus in dogs fed high phosphorus diets with balanced Ca/P ratio. Proc. Waltham International Nutritional Sciences Symposium, USA; Clinical aspects of natural and added phosphorus in foods, 2017, Springer Science+Business, Media). A retrospective study was conducted in order to gather data about P and protein intake in the feeding history of dogs and cats prior to the diagnosis of CKD. Cases of 75 dogs and 16 cats with CKD with comprehensive nutritional history presented to the nutrition consultation service of the Chair of Animal Nutrition and Dietetics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, between October 2009 and March 2016, were evaluated. Cases of age-matched dogs (n=57) and cats (n=18) without diagnosed or suspected CKD served as controls. The most frequent type of diet used in the four groups (cats CKD, cats control, dogs CKD and dogs control) was home-made. In all groups, P and protein supply was in excess (>150%) of the recommended daily allowances (RDA; Nutrient requirements of dogs and cats (2006), National Research Council, National Academy Press). Between the dog groups, no differences regarding P and protein intake existed. The P and protein intake relative to the RDA was altogether higher in cats than in dogs. Cats with CKD showed significantly higher P and protein intakes prior to diagnosis than the control cats (170±36 vs. 123±34mg P/kg BW0.67 ; p<.05). These observations call for further investigations into the long-term effects of P excess.

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