
Abstract The naughty genes and 3D structure of the endometrium Takayuki Enomoto, Manako Ymaguchi, Kazuaki Suda, Kosuke Yoshihara Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan. The human endometrium is a highly regenerative tissue and involved in menstruation and implantation of the fertilized egg, giving it a central role in women’s reproductive health. However, the regenerative nature of the endometrial glands can lead to the development and progression of “endometrium-related diseases” such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometrial cancer. To clarify the pathogenesis of endometrium-related diseases and develop effective preventative measures and therapeutic strategies, comprehensive understanding of molecular biological linkage between endometrium and endometrium-related diseases was crucially important. To this end, we focused on genomic alterations of endometrial epithelium which is considered the origin of endometriosis, and sequenced 107 ovarian endometriotic and 82 normal uterine endometrial epithelium samples isolated by laser-microdissection. Intriguingly, several genes recurrently mutated in endometriosis-associated ovarian cancers were frequently mutated in both endometriotic epithelium and normal uterine endometrial glands. In particular, PIK3CA mutation was detected in 41% of endometrial epithelium subjects but none of them had shared PIK3CA mutations across multiple regions collected from the same individuals. Mutation allele frequencies of somatic mutations in uterine endometrial epithelium samples were also significantly lower than those in ovarian endometriotic epithelium samples, suggesting the heterogeneous genomic compositions in uterine endometrium. To interpret this genomic heterogeneity in uterine endometrium, we focused on endometrial gland, the minimum functional unit of uterine endometrium, and conducted 109 single endometrial glands sequencing. As a result, we unveiled that each gland carried distinct somatic mutations in cancer-associated genes, such as PIK3CA, KRAS, and PTEN, with high mutant allele frequencies, suggesting the monoclonality of each gland. The presence of cancer-associated gene mutations in histologically normal endometrial glands provides important clues regarding the pathogenesis of endometrium-related diseases. However, our previous study could not determine the spread of endometrial gland harboring cancer-associated gene mutation because there is a limitation to two-dimensional assessment of the whole shapes of endometrial gland due to its complicatedly winding morphology. Therefore, we tackled with three-dimensional (3D) assessment of human endometrium. To construct a large picture of endometrial gland structure, we performed tissue-clearing-based 3D imaging of full-thickness human uterine endometrial tissue with the use of light-sheet fluorescence microscopy. Our 3D immunohistochemistry discovered some new and unique 3D morphologies of endometrial glands, including plexus network of glands or occluded glands. Notably, computational analysis of 3D layer clarified that the plexus structure of the glands was mainly located in the stratum basalis and expanded along muscular layer horizontally, similar to the so-called “rhizome of grass”. Although previous studies have shown the 3D structure of murine endometrial glands, the bottom of these glands forms a crypt but not a rhizome. This can potentially be explained by the existence of menstruation, which is the crucial difference between the human and murine endometrium. The rhizome structure of endometrial gland in the human endometrium will have a functional advantage over the crypt in terms of the conservation of progenitor/stem cells and regeneration. In addition, some endometrial glands shared the plexus and rose toward the luminal epithelium, suggesting that these glands were the same origin. The rhizome of the endometrium may be a crucial element for understanding the expansion of endometrial glands harboring cancer-associated gene mutations. Integrated analysis of the naughty gene alterations and the 3D structure in human endometrium will lead to a better understanding of the human endometrium in various fields, including histology, pathology, pathophysiology, reproduction, and oncology.

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