
Migration has ceased to be a problem of the states and hasbecome an issue of interest of the international community, and thereforeits global perspective, which stems from the risk society and globalization,must be studied, institutionalized and analyzed in the light of humanrights standards in the context of cosmopolitanism. Moreover, the globalcitizenship of the immigrant should be consolidated through the multiculturalperspective and with the prevalence of the right to difference.The intensification of migratory flows, resulting from human rights violations,consigns the relevance of the theme, which is justified by the needto refute the policy of securitization of borders by States, which leads tothe dehumanization of immigrants, treated as minority groups, strangersand dangerous. Based on the above assertions, it is worth noting that thegeneral objective of this paper is to analyze the intersectionality betweenmigration, citizenship and multiculturalism and, in turn, the specificobjective is to analyze the legal institute of global citizenship as a meansof conferring the ability to act to immigrants in the supranational context.The deductive method was chosen, with the technique of indirect documentationand the procedure of doctrinal and legislative analysis. As aresult, it is expected to reach, as a result, the verification of the idea thatglobal citizenship supplants national citizenship and is exercised withinspaces of political and democratic participation that take into considerationthe personality rights of the immigrant, as a subject of internationallaw. The article will be composed of three chapters, divided as follows:initially, the paper will analyze migration from a global perspective, then,it will go into the study of the multicultural perspective of migration and,finally, it will address the institute of global citizenship of immigrants froma multicultural perspective. With these objectives, with the methodologyadopted and due to the relevance of the topic, the purpose of the workis to answer the following problem: is multiculturalism able to guaranteethe means of action to the immigrant so that he is effectively considereda global citizen?

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