
The proximate analysis and amino acid profile of the larva of Oryctes Monoceros were investigated. The mineral profile and antinutritional factors were also determined. A high protein content (36.45% dry weight) was recorded with the larva containing the essential amino acids in varying proportions in the amino acid profile. An ash content of (4.00% dry weight) was recorded containing high proportions of sodium, magnesium, iron and potassium.(440.0mg/100g, 175.0mg/100g, 85.00mg/100g, 38.40mg/100g, respectively). The other mineral elements, zinc, manganese and copper were also present in smaller quantities. The result of the antinutritional factors showed that levels of phytic acid (178mg/100g), tannin (14.3mg/100g) oxalate (2.1mg/100g) all fell within acceptable levels. In addition, the larva protein had a digestibility of 58.05%. The insect larva could serve as an alternative source of protein and other nutrients supplement in human and animal diet.

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