
Abstract In order to improve cultivars through selection or breeding, the nutrient and antinutrient, i.e., trypsin inhibitor, total oxalate, soluble oxalate and calcium oxalate, compositions of cormels of twenty cultivars of Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum were determined. The fat, sugar, starch and crude protein content in fresh cormels varied from 0.08-0.98, 0.2-1.5, 7.5-24.8 and 1.0-2.8%, respectively. Cormels provide 166-519 kJ of energy/100 g fresh weight. Moreover, cormels are a good source of minerals, including potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron, a moderate source of zinc and copper, and an inadequate source of manganese. The contents of the trypsin inhibitor, total oxalate, soluble oxalate and calcium oxalate varied from 52-1020 Trypsin Inhibitory Units (TIU).g −1,8-130,4-89 and4-93 mg/100 g, respectively. Principal component analysis indicated that the cv. ‘Sonajuli’ appears to be a promising candidate to provide genetic material from which improved lines can be developed.

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