
To provide a snapshot of the extent to which nursing and the prison context features in non-specialist/generic nursing journals. Focused mapping review and synthesis. Relevant articles were examined for the extent to which they featured nursing and the prison context. A descriptive and contextual analysis of the data was carried out to provide a topography and synthesis of the key trends identified. Articles meeting criteria for nursing and the prison context in relevant non-specialized, generic nursing journals (n = 7) from January 2018 to December 2022. Four thousand, nine hundred and twelve (n = 4912) articles were published during the review period of which (n = 14) met inclusion criteria. The key trends identified are presented under three headings: taking an advocacy approach for better health and well-being, examining self-determination and autonomy in prison populations and nursing in the prison context. Nursing and the prison context features in non-specialized and generic nursing journals but sparsely and infrequently. There is a need for greater visibility of nursing and the prison context in nursing journals to help reduce stigma and marginalization of those working and those detained in prison. Nurses working in prison environments often manage extremely complex care needs. It is necessary to feature all nursing care environments in nursing journals so as to increase visibility and to act as a source of education for all. IMPACT (WHAT PROBLEM DID THE STUDY ADDRESS? MAIN FINDINGS? WHERE/WHOM WILL THE RESEARCH HAVE IMPACT ON): The findings of this review will have impact on all nurses engaged in practice and research as it highlights the extent to which nursing in a prison context is featured in non-specialized nursing journals and also speaks to the challenges faced by those working and detained in prison. No patient or public contribution. This was a review of existing literature.

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