
The article provides a comparative study of sermons on thewedding at Cana (Second Sunday after Epiphany) from three Danishsermon collections by Peter Madsen (d. c. 1486), Christiern Pedersen(d. 1554), and Hans Tausen (d. 1561). The study draws upon methodologicaldevelopments within the field of sermon studies to show theimportance of a contextualizing, trans-reformation perspective: contextualizing,by referring to the context of the sermon collection in thestudy of the singular sermon and taking into account its purpose andcompilation; trans-reformation, by referring to a selection of materialfrom before and after the reformation in order to better understand thereception of tradition through its rejection, adaptation, and continuation.On this basis, the article argues that before and after the reformationthere was general agreement in the exegesis of the pericope, butgreat difference in how the text was used – a difference that may partlybe explained by a contextualization of the sermon.

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