
Ginzburg-Landau equation has a rich record of success in describing a vast variety of nonlinear phenomena such as liquid crystals, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation and superconductivity to mention a few. Fractional order equations provide an interesting bridge between the diffusion wave equation of mathematical physics and intuition generation, it is of interest to see if a similar generalization to fractional order can be useful here. Non-integer order partial differential equations describing the chaotic and spatiotemporal patterning of fractional Ginzburg-Landau problems, mostly defined on simple geometries like triangular domains, are considered in this paper. We realized through numerical experiments that the Ginzburg-Landau equation world is bounded between the limits where new phenomena and scenarios evolve, such as sink and source solutions (spiral patterns in 2D and filament-like structures in 3D), various core and wave instabilities, absolute instability versus nonlinear convective cases, competition and interaction between sources and chaos spatiotemporal states. For the numerical simulation of these kind of problems, spectral methods provide a fast and efficient approach.

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