
The article presents the results of numerical simulation of operation modes of AC traction electric motors and the diagnostic information processing in MATLAB Simulink. Predicting the stability of the electric traction motor of electric rolling stock in electric railway transport is an important practical task. Emergency operation of the traction motor can lead to a violation of the safety conditions of train traffic and serious injury-prone consequences. Most of the currently used diagnostic systems are developed on the basis of the use of the gammapercent aging resource of the insulation of electrical machines in accordance with the theory of probability. A significant disadvantage of using the elements of a traction motor as a predicted gamma-percent resource is that, as practice shows, the operating time of real elements of electric machines to the limit state is much higher. As a result, when using the strategy of maintenance and repair on the basis of operating time, using the theory of probability, leads to a significant underutilization of the individual resources inherent in them in the design and production of most products. To reliably predict the residual life of the traction motor elements, it is necessary to perform its complete technical diagnostics. The most reliable methods for diagnosing and predicting the individual residual resource of traction motor elements in operation are statistical methods based on an objective assessment of its technical condition at the current time. The measurement and computing technologies available today have made it possible to use many previously studied physical phenomena in traction motor diagnostics systems, as well as to search for new diagnostic parameters.

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